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    中國視聽網(wǎng)(www.herveplacide.com) > 行業(yè)資訊 > 視聽信息(數(shù)字告示) > 上元光電零售數(shù)字顯示
    更新:2022-8-2 12:08:06 稿件:上元光電 調整大小:【


    零售早已經(jīng)不再是貨物的買賣或者純粹的服務供給。在消費短缺的時代,零售業(yè)態(tài)以拿到入場券以及擁有貨源而取勝;再后來市場開放,零售入場券易得,但是競爭逐步加劇,零售業(yè)態(tài)在提供優(yōu)質產(chǎn)品的同時消費者開始關注服務以及消費環(huán)境,此期間從國外舶來了商超的概念(supper market)。時間到了本世紀第一個10年,網(wǎng)購開始出現(xiàn),簡單講網(wǎng)購最大的貢獻是便捷了貨物流通以及降低了流通成本。

    對于今天的零售,我們不急于定義他,我們可以向內(nèi)自問,我們需要什么樣的零售環(huán)境,是否期望閑暇之余能夠逛逛購物中心,去到網(wǎng)紅地打卡,是迫切需要買到某個特定商品嗎,不! 我們更多是追尋一種對味的消費環(huán)境,在這個環(huán)境中可以讓消費者感受到品牌的外在和內(nèi)涵,可以讓消費者觸動和得到啟發(fā)……



    The retail industry has never been so difficult as it is now, but we are also witnessing retail miracles under many innovative models. What kind of iterations does the retail industry need to meet the current IoT consumption era?
    Retail has long ceased to be the sale of goods or the mere provision of services. In the era of shortage of consumption, the retail format wins by getting admission tickets and having the supply of goods; after that, the market opens up and retail admission tickets are easy to obtain, but the competition gradually intensifies. While the retail format provides high-quality products, consumers begin to pay attention to services as well as the consumption environment, the concept of “super market”was imported from abroad during this period. In the first decade of this century, online shopping began to appear. Simply speaking, the biggest contribution of online shopping is to facilitate the circulation of goods and reduce the cost of circulation.
    For today's retail, we are not in a hurry to define it. We can ask ourselves what kind of retail environment do we need, and whether we expect to be able to go shopping in malls and check in at an internet-famous site in spare time. Is it urgent to buy a certain specific product? no! We are more looking for a consumer environment that matches our consumption taste, in this environment, consumers can feel the appearance and connotation of the brands, and consumers can be touched and inspired...
    The software and hardware of YEALUX in retail digital display is to provide consumers with a warmer and more intimate shopping experience, help brands to provide more platforms for engagement and communication with consumers, and make retail brands become good neighbor and second home who truly understand the community residents.
    Focus on the retail industry, we develop LED digital display products that fit the scene in the main traffic ports of the retail scenarios with a small and broad perspective. YEALUX new designs for retail display solution appear just right in time, small and beautiful presentation, humble but powerful. YEALUX retail display series products can satisfy the cluster deployment and centralized cluster management, tell a good brand story, and feel the fans!

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